Source code for latch.functions.secrets
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from latch_sdk_config.latch import NUCLEUS_URL
from latch.utils import current_workspace
from latch_cli.tinyrequests import post
from latch_cli.utils import get_auth_header
[docs]def get_secret(secret_name: str):
A utility to allow users to reference secrets stored in their workspace on
Important: When running an execution locally, whether on your own computer
or using `latch develop`, the only secrets you will be able to access are
the ones in your personal workspace. To use secrets from a shared workspace,
register your workflow and run it on Latch.
>>> get_secret("test-secret")
resp = post(
url=urljoin(NUCLEUS_URL, "/secrets/get-new"),
"name": secret_name,
"ws_id": current_workspace(),
headers={"Authorization": get_auth_header()},
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(resp.json()["error"])
return resp.json()["secret"]