Source code for latch.registry.record

from __future__ import annotations  # avoid circular type imports

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import (

import gql
from latch_sdk_gql.execute import execute

from latch.registry.upstream_types.types import DBType
from latch.registry.upstream_types.values import DBValue

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # avoid circular type imports
    from latch.registry.types import Column, RecordValue

[docs]class NoSuchColumnError(KeyError): """Unknown column referenced by Registry method. Reloading the containing table might help. Attributes: key: The unknown column key. """ def __init__(self, key: str): super().__init__(f"no such column: {key}") self.key = key
class _ColumnDefinition(TypedDict("_ColumnDefinitionReserved", {"def": DBValue})): key: str type: DBType class _ColumnDefinitionConnection(TypedDict): nodes: List[_ColumnDefinition] class _CatalogExperiment(TypedDict): id: str catalogExperimentColumnDefinitionsByExperimentId: _ColumnDefinitionConnection class _ColumnDataNode(TypedDict): key: str data: DBValue class _ColumnDataConnection(TypedDict): nodes: List[_ColumnDataNode] class _CatalogSample(TypedDict): id: str name: str experiment: _CatalogExperiment catalogSampleColumnDataBySampleId: _ColumnDataConnection @dataclass class _Cache: """Internal cache class to organize information for a `Record`.""" table_id: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None columns: Optional[Dict[str, Column]] = None values: Optional[Dict[str, RecordValue]] = None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Record: """Registry record. :meth:`~latch.registry.table.Table.list_records` is the typical way to get a :class:`Record`. """ _cache: _Cache = field( default_factory=lambda: _Cache(), init=False, repr=False, hash=False, compare=False, ) id: str """Unique identifier."""
[docs] def load(self) -> None: """(Re-)populate this record instance's cache. Future calls to most getters will return immediately without making a network request. Always makes a network request. """ # avoid circular type imports from latch.registry.types import Column, InvalidValue from latch.registry.utils import to_python_literal, to_python_type data: _CatalogSample = execute( gql.gql(""" query RecordQuery($id: BigInt!) { catalogSample(id: $id) { id name catalogSampleColumnDataBySampleId { nodes { key data } } experiment { id catalogExperimentColumnDefinitionsByExperimentId { nodes { type key def } } } } } """), {"id":}, )["catalogSample"] # todo(maximsmol): deal with nonexistent records self._cache.table_id = data["experiment"]["id"] = data["name"] typeNodes = data["experiment"][ "catalogExperimentColumnDefinitionsByExperimentId" ]["nodes"] # fixme(maximsmol): deal with defaults self._cache.columns = { n["key"]: Column(n["key"], to_python_type(n["type"]["type"]), n["type"]) for n in typeNodes } valNodes = data["catalogSampleColumnDataBySampleId"]["nodes"] colVals = {n["key"]: n["data"] for n in valNodes} vals: Dict[str, RecordValue] = {} for k, v in colVals.items(): col = self._cache.columns.get(k) if col is None: raise NoSuchColumnError(k) # todo(maximsmol): allow creating records with mismatching types vals[k] = to_python_literal(v, col.upstream_type["type"]) for k, c in self._cache.columns.items(): if k in vals: continue if not c.upstream_type["allowEmpty"]: vals[k] = InvalidValue("") # prevent keyerrors when accessing columns that don't have a value vals[k] = None self._cache.values = vals
# get_table_id @overload def get_table_id(self, *, load_if_missing: Literal[True] = True) -> str: ... @overload def get_table_id(self, *, load_if_missing: bool) -> Optional[str]: ...
[docs] def get_table_id(self, *, load_if_missing: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: """Get the ID of the table that contains this record. Args: load_if_missing: If true, :meth:`load` the table ID if not in cache. If false, return `None` if not in cache. Returns: ID of the :class:`Table` containing this record. """ if self._cache.table_id is None: if not load_if_missing: return None self.load() return self._cache.table_id
# get_name @overload def get_name(self, *, load_if_missing: Literal[True] = True) -> str: ... @overload def get_name(self, *, load_if_missing: bool) -> Optional[str]: ...
[docs] def get_name(self, *, load_if_missing: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: """Get the name of this record. Names are unique within a table. Names are not globally unique. Use :attr:`id` if a globally unique identifier is required. Args: load_if_missing: If true, :meth:`load` the name if not in cache. If false, return `None` if not in cache. Returns: Name of this record. """ if is None and load_if_missing: self.load() return
# get_columns @overload def get_columns( self, *, load_if_missing: Literal[True] = True, ) -> Dict[str, Column]: ... @overload def get_columns( self, *, load_if_missing: bool, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Column]]: ...
[docs] def get_columns( self, *, load_if_missing: bool = True, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Column]]: """Get the columns of this record's table. Args: load_if_missing: If true, :meth:`load` the column list if not in cache. If false, return `None` if not in cache. Returns: Mapping between column keys and :class:`columns <latch.registry.types.Column>`. """ if self._cache.columns is None and load_if_missing: self.load() return self._cache.columns
# get_values @overload def get_values( self, *, load_if_missing: Literal[True] = True, ) -> Dict[str, RecordValue]: ... @overload def get_values( self, *, load_if_missing: bool, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, RecordValue]]: ...
[docs] def get_values( self, *, load_if_missing: bool = True, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, RecordValue]]: """Get this record's values. The resulting dictionary is shared between all calls to :meth:`get_values`. Make deep copies if independent mutation is desired. Args: load_if_missing: If true, :meth:`load` the values if not in cache. If false, return `None` if not in cache. Returns: Mapping between column keys and the corresponding value. """ if self._cache.values is None and load_if_missing: self.load() return self._cache.values
def _repr_parts(self) -> Tuple[str, Optional[Dict[str, RecordValue]]]: name = self.get_name(load_if_missing=False) if name is None: base = f"Record(id={})" else: base = f"Record(id={}, name={name})" values = self.get_values(load_if_missing=False) return base, values def __repr__(self): base, vals = self._repr_parts() if vals is None: return base return base + repr(vals) def __str__(self): base, vals = self._repr_parts() if vals is None: return base return base + str(vals)