Source code for latch_cli.constants

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

[docs]class Units(int, Enum): KiB = 2**10 kB = 10**3 MiB = 2**20 MB = 10**6 GiB = 2**30 GB = 10**9 TiB = 2**40 TB = 10**12
units = Units
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class LatchConstants: base_image: str = ( "" ) file_max_size: int = 4 * units.MiB file_chunk_size: int = 256 * units.MiB # maximum_upload_parts = 10000 maximum_upload_size = 5 * units.TiB pkg_name: str = "latch" pkg_config: str = ".latch/config" # todo(aidan): make this aware of the current working directory so that we do not remove useful context ignore_regex = re.compile( r"(\.git|\.latch_report\.tar\.gz|traceback\.txt|metadata\.json)$" ) jump_host: str = "" jump_user: str = "jumpuser" # seconds centromere_poll_timeout: int = 18000 centromere_keepalive_interval: int = 30
latch_constants = LatchConstants()
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class OAuth2Constants: client_id: str = "jzFBOhIbfp4EPRYZ8wmx4YyvL27LFDeB" """Identifies the authentication server in 0Auth2.0 flow""" authz_server_host: str = "" """Host of the authentication server used in 0Auth2.0 flow.""" redirect_url: str = "" """Redirect URL registered with authentication server."""
oauth2_constants = OAuth2Constants() docker_image_name_illegal_pat = re.compile(r"[^a-z0-9]+")