Source code for latch_cli.docker_utils

import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
from io import TextIOWrapper
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import List

import click
import yaml

from latch_cli.constants import latch_constants
from latch_cli.utils import WorkflowType
from latch_cli.workflow_config import LatchWorkflowConfig, create_and_write_config

[docs]class DockerCmdBlockOrder(str, Enum): """Put a command block before or after the primary COPY command.""" precopy = auto() postcopy = auto()
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DockerCmdBlock: comment: str commands: List[str] order: DockerCmdBlockOrder
[docs] def write_block(self, f: TextIOWrapper): f.write(f"# {self.comment}\n") f.write("\n".join(self.commands) + "\n\n")
[docs]def get_prologue( config: LatchWorkflowConfig, wf_type: WorkflowType = WorkflowType.latchbiosdk ) -> List[str]: if wf_type == WorkflowType.snakemake: library_name = '"latch[snakemake]"' else: library_name = "latch" return [ "# DO NOT CHANGE", f"from {config.base_image}", "", "workdir /tmp/docker-build/work/", "", dedent(r""" shell [ \ "/usr/bin/env", "bash", \ "-o", "errexit", \ "-o", "pipefail", \ "-o", "nounset", \ "-o", "verbose", \ "-o", "errtrace", \ "-O", "inherit_errexit", \ "-O", "shift_verbose", \ "-c" \ ] """).strip(), "env TZ='Etc/UTC'", "env LANG='en_US.UTF-8'", "", "arg DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive", "", "# Latch SDK", "# DO NOT REMOVE", f"run pip install {library_name}=={config.latch_version}", "run mkdir /opt/latch", ]
[docs]def get_epilogue(wf_type: WorkflowType = WorkflowType.latchbiosdk) -> List[str]: cmds: list[str] = [] if wf_type == WorkflowType.snakemake: cmds += [ "", "# Latch snakemake workflow entrypoint", "# DO NOT CHANGE", "copy .latch/ /root/", ] cmds += [ "", "# Latch workflow registration metadata", "# DO NOT CHANGE", "arg tag", "# DO NOT CHANGE", "env FLYTE_INTERNAL_IMAGE $tag", "", "workdir /root", ] return cmds
[docs]def infer_commands(pkg_root: Path) -> List[DockerCmdBlock]: commands: List[DockerCmdBlock] = [] if (pkg_root / "system-requirements.txt").exists(): click.echo( " ".join(["system-requirements.txt:", bold=True), "System dependencies installation phase", ]) ) commands.append( DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install system dependencies", commands=[ "copy system-requirements.txt /opt/latch/system-requirements.txt", dedent(r""" run apt-get update --yes && \ xargs apt-get install --yes \ < /opt/latch/system-requirements.txt """).strip(), ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ) ) if (pkg_root / "environment.R").exists(): click.echo( " ".join(["environment.R:", bold=True), "R dependencies installation phase", ]) ) # todo(maximsmol): allow specifying R version # todo(maximsmol): somehow promote using pak commands += [ DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install rig the R installation manager", commands=[ dedent(r""" run \ curl \ --location \ --fail \ --remote-name \ && \ tar \ --extract \ --gunzip \ --file rig-linux-latest.tar.gz \ --directory /usr/local/ && \ rm rig-linux-latest.tar.gz """).strip(), ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ), DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install R", commands=[ "run rig add release # Change to any R version", ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ), DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install R dependencies", commands=[ "copy environment.R /opt/latch/environment.R", "run Rscript /opt/latch/environment.R", ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ), ] conda_env_p = pkg_root / "environment.yml" if not conda_env_p.exists(): conda_env_p = conda_env_p.with_suffix(".yaml") if conda_env_p.exists(): click.echo( " ".join(["{}:", bold=True), "Conda dependencies installation phase", ]) ) with"rb") as f: conda_env = yaml.safe_load(f) if "name" in conda_env: env_name = conda_env["name"] else: env_name = "workflow" # todo(maximsmol): install `curl` and other build deps ahead of time once (or in base image) commands += [ DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install Mambaforge", commands=[ dedent(r""" run apt-get update --yes && \ apt-get install --yes curl && \ curl \ --location \ --fail \ --remote-name \ && \ `# Docs for -b and -p flags:` \ bash -b -p /opt/conda -u && \ rm """).strip(), ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ), DockerCmdBlock( comment="Set conda PATH", commands=[ "env PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH", "RUN conda config --set auto_activate_base false", ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ), DockerCmdBlock( comment="Build conda environment", commands=[ f"copy {} /opt/latch/environment.yaml", dedent(rf""" run mamba env create \ --file /opt/latch/environment.yaml \ --name {env_name} """).strip(), f"env PATH=/opt/conda/envs/{env_name}/bin:$PATH", ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ), ] has_setup_py = (pkg_root / "").exists() has_buildable_pyproject = False try: with (pkg_root / "pyproject.toml").open("r") as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith("[build-system]"): continue has_buildable_pyproject = True break except FileNotFoundError: ... # from and if has_setup_py or has_buildable_pyproject: cause = "" if has_setup_py else "pyproject.toml" click.echo( " ".join(["{cause}:", bold=True), "Python package installation phase", ]) ) print() commands.append( DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install python package", commands=["run pip install /root/"], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.postcopy, ) ) if (pkg_root / "requirements.txt").exists(): click.echo( " ".join(["requirements.txt:", bold=True), "Python pip dependencies installation phase", ]) ) commands.append( DockerCmdBlock( comment="Install pip dependencies from `requirements.txt`", commands=[ "copy requirements.txt /opt/latch/requirements.txt", "run pip install --requirement /opt/latch/requirements.txt", ], order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ) ) if (pkg_root / ".env").exists(): click.echo( " ".join([".env:", bold=True), "Environment variable setup"]) ) envs: list[str] = [] for line in (pkg_root / ".env").read_text().splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue if line.startswith("#"): continue envs.append(f"env {line}") commands.append( DockerCmdBlock( comment="Set environment variables", commands=envs, order=DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy, ) ) return commands
[docs]def generate_dockerfile( pkg_root: Path, outfile: Path, *, wf_type: WorkflowType = WorkflowType.latchbiosdk ) -> None: """Generate a best effort Dockerfile from files in the workflow directory. Args: pkg_root: A path to a workflow directory. outfile: The path to write the generated Dockerfile. wf_type: The type of workflow (eg. snakemake) the Dockerfile is for Example: >>> generate_dockerfile(Path("test-workflow"), Path("test-workflow/Dockerfile")) # The resulting file structure will look like # test-workflow # ├── Dockerfile # └── ... """ click.secho("Generating Dockerfile", bold=True) try: with (pkg_root / latch_constants.pkg_config).open("r") as f: config: LatchWorkflowConfig = LatchWorkflowConfig(**json.load(f)) except FileNotFoundError: click.secho("Creating a default configuration file") create_and_write_config(pkg_root) with (pkg_root / latch_constants.pkg_config).open("r") as f: config = LatchWorkflowConfig(**json.load(f)) click.echo( " ".join(["Base image:", fg="bright_blue"), config.base_image, ]) ) click.echo( " ".join(["Latch SDK version:", fg="bright_blue"), config.latch_version, ]) ) click.echo() with"w") as f: f.write("\n".join(get_prologue(config, wf_type)) + "\n\n") commands = infer_commands(pkg_root) if len(commands) > 0: click.echo() for block in commands: if block.order != DockerCmdBlockOrder.precopy: continue block.write_block(f) f.write("# Copy workflow data (use .dockerignore to skip files)\n") f.write("copy . /root/\n\n") for block in commands: if block.order != DockerCmdBlockOrder.postcopy: continue block.write_block(f) f.write("\n".join(get_epilogue(wf_type)) + "\n")
[docs]def get_default_dockerfile(pkg_root: Path, *, wf_type: WorkflowType): default_dockerfile = pkg_root / "Dockerfile" if not default_dockerfile.exists(): default_dockerfile = pkg_root / ".latch" / "Dockerfile" generate_dockerfile(pkg_root, default_dockerfile, wf_type=wf_type) return default_dockerfile