Source code for latch_cli.exceptions.handler

import json
import os
import platform
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from traceback import print_exc
from types import TracebackType
from typing import List, Optional, Type

import click

from latch_cli.constants import latch_constants
from latch_cli.exceptions.traceback import _Traceback
from latch_cli.utils import get_local_package_version

class _Metadata:
    os_name: str =
    os_version: str = platform.version()
    latch_version: str = get_local_package_version()
    py_version: str = sys.version
    platform: str = platform.platform()

    def print(self):
        click.secho("Crash info:", fg="red", bold=True)
            " ".join(
          "Latch SDK version:", fg="red"),
            " ".join(
          "Python version:", fg="red"),
                    self.py_version.replace("\n", ";"),
        click.echo(" ".join(["Platform:", fg="red"), self.platform]))
            " ".join(
          "OS:", fg="red"),
                    f"{self.os_name}; {self.os_version}",

[docs]class CrashHandler: """Display and store useful information when the program fails * Display tracebacks * Parse and display opaque flytekit serialization error messages * Write necessary information to reproduce failure to a tarball """ def __init__(self): self.metadata: _Metadata = _Metadata() self.message: Optional[str] = None self.pkg_root: Optional[str] = None def _write_state_to_tarball(self): """Bundles files needed to reproduce failed state into a tarball. Tarball contains: * JSON holding platform + package version metadata * logs directory holding docker build logs * Text file holding traceback * (If register) workflow package (python files, Dockerfile, etc.) """ tarball_path = Path(".latch_report.tar.gz").resolve() tarball_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) with, mode="x:gz") as tf: # If calling stack frame is handling an exception, we want to store # the traceback in a log file. if sys.exc_info()[0] is not None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as ntf: print_exc(file=ntf) tf.add(, arcname="traceback.txt") if self.pkg_root is not None: logs_path = Path(self.pkg_root) / ".latch" / ".logs" if logs_path.exists(): tf.add(logs_path, arcname="logs") pkg_files: List[Path] = [] for dp, _, fnames in os.walk(logs_path): for f in fnames: p = (Path(dp) / f).resolve() if ( or p.is_symlink() or p.stat().st_size > latch_constants.file_max_size ): continue pkg_files.append(p) for file_path in pkg_files: tf.add(file_path) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as ntf: json.dump(asdict(self.metadata), ntf) tf.add(, arcname="metadata.json") print(f"Crash report written to {tarball_path}")
[docs] def init(self): """Custom error handling. When an exception is thrown: - Display an optional message - Pretty print the traceback - Parse unintuitive errors and redisplay - Store useful system information in a tarball for debugging """ def _excepthook( type_: Type[BaseException], value: BaseException, traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: click.secho(f"\n{self.message}:\n", fg="red", bold=True) _Traceback(type_, value, traceback).pretty_print() self.metadata.print() if os.environ.get("LATCH_NO_CRASH_REPORT") == "1": click.secho( "Not generating crash report due to $LATCH_NO_CRASH_REPORT", bold=True, ) return if not click.confirm("Generate a crash report?"): return print("Generating...") self._write_state_to_tarball() sys.excepthook = _excepthook