Source code for

"""Service to initialize boilerplate."""

import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional

import click

from latch_cli.docker_utils import generate_dockerfile
from latch_cli.menus import select_tui
from latch_cli.workflow_config import BaseImageOptions, create_and_write_config

def _get_boilerplate(pkg_root: Path, source_path: Path, copy_wf_dir: bool = True):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = source_path.resolve()

    wf_root = pkg_root / "wf"

    if copy_wf_dir is True:
        for f in source_path.glob("*.py"):
            shutil.copy(f, wf_root)

    pkg_root_globs = [

    for g in pkg_root_globs:
        for f in source_path.glob(g):
            shutil.copy(f, pkg_root)

    if (source_path / ".env").exists():
        shutil.copy(source_path / ".env", pkg_root)

    common_source = source_path.parent / "common"
    for f in common_source.iterdir():
        shutil.copy(f, pkg_root)

    version_f = pkg_root / "version"
    with open(version_f, "w") as f:

def _get_example_reference(pkg_root: Path):
    import boto3
    from botocore import UNSIGNED
    from botocore.config import Config

    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()

    data_root = pkg_root / "reference"

    ref_ids = [

    s3 = boto3.client("s3", config=Config(signature_version=UNSIGNED))

    print("Downloading workflow data ", flush=True, end="")
    for id in ref_ids:
        print(".", flush=True, end="")
        with open(data_root / id, "wb") as f:
            s3.download_fileobj("latch-public", f"sdk/{id}", f)

def _gen_assemble_and_sort(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = Path(__file__).parent / "assemble_and_sort"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_path)


    print("Downloading bowtie2")
    bowtie2_base_name = "bowtie2-2.5.1-linux-x86_64"
            str(pkg_root / f"{bowtie2_base_name}.zip"),
        ["unzip", str(pkg_root / f"{bowtie2_base_name}.zip"), "-d", str(pkg_root)],

    bowtie_dir = pkg_root / "bowtie2"
        f"mv {str(pkg_root / bowtie2_base_name)}/*bowtie2* {str(pkg_root / 'bowtie2')}",

    paths_to_remove = [
        pkg_root / bowtie2_base_name,
        pkg_root / f"{bowtie2_base_name}.zip",
    paths_to_remove.extend((pkg_root / "bowtie2").glob("*-debug*"))

    for f in paths_to_remove:
        if f.is_file():

def _gen_template(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = Path(__file__).parent / "template"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_path)

    wf_metadata_params = {
        "WF_NAME": click.prompt(
            "Workflow Name", default="CHANGE ME", show_default=False
        "AUTHOR_NAME": click.prompt(
            "Author Name", default="CHANGE ME", show_default=False

    init_file = Path(pkg_root / "wf" / "")
    lines = init_file.read_text()

    for k, v in wf_metadata_params.items():
        lines = lines.replace(k, v)


def _gen_example_r(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = Path(__file__).parent / "example_r"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_path)

def _gen_example_conda(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = Path(__file__).parent / "example_conda"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_path)

    conda_env_dest = pkg_root / "environment.yaml"
    conda_env_src = source_path / "environment.yaml"
    shutil.copy(conda_env_src, conda_env_dest)

def _gen_example_docker(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_docker_path = Path(__file__).parent / "example_docker"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_docker_path)

def _gen_example_snakemake(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = Path(__file__).parent / "example_snakemake"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_path, copy_wf_dir=False)

    snakefile_dest = pkg_root / "Snakefile"
    snakefile_src = source_path / "Snakefile"
    shutil.copy(snakefile_src, snakefile_dest)

    snakefile_dest = pkg_root / ""
    snakefile_src = source_path / ""
    shutil.copy(snakefile_src, snakefile_dest)

    print("Downloading data")
    snakemake_base_name = "snakemake_tutorial_data"
            str(pkg_root / f"{snakemake_base_name}.zip"),
        ["unzip", str(pkg_root / f"{snakemake_base_name}.zip"), "-d", str(pkg_root)],

    scripts_dest = pkg_root / "scripts"
    scripts_src = source_path / "scripts"
    shutil.copytree(scripts_src, scripts_dest)

def _gen_example_nfcore(pkg_root: Path):
    pkg_root = pkg_root.resolve()
    source_path = Path(__file__).parent / "example_nfcore"

    _get_boilerplate(pkg_root, source_path)

option_map = {
    "Empty workflow": _gen_template,
    "Subprocess Example": _gen_assemble_and_sort,
    "R Example": _gen_example_r,
    "Conda Example": _gen_example_conda,
    "Docker Example": _gen_example_docker,
    "Snakemake Example": _gen_example_snakemake,
    "NFCore Example": _gen_example_nfcore,

template_flag_to_option = {
    "empty": "Empty workflow",
    "docker": "Docker Example",
    "subprocess": "Subprocess Example",
    "r": "R Example",
    "conda": "Conda Example",
    "snakemake": "Snakemake Example",
    "nfcore": "NFCore Example",

base_docker_image_options = {
    "Default Latch Docker image with No Dependencies": BaseImageOptions.default,
    "Latch Docker image with Nvidia CUDA/cuDNN (cuda 11.4.2, cudnn 8) drivers": (
    "Latch Docker image with OpenCL (ubuntu 18.04) drivers": BaseImageOptions.opencl,

[docs]def init( pkg_name: str, template: Optional[str], expose_dockerfile: bool = True, base_image_type_str: str = "default", ) -> bool: """Creates boilerplate workflow files in the user's working directory. Args: pkg_name: A identifier for the workflow - will name the boilerplate directory as well as functions within the constructed package. template: A template to use for the workflow. If None, you will be prompted to choose a template. * "empty": An empty workflow wrapper * "subprocess": An example workflow that runs a subprocess * "r": A template workflow for executing an R script * "conda": A template workflow for executing code within a conda environment expose_dockerfile: Whether to expose a Dockerfile in the workflow. If true, the Dockerfile will be created at init time and can be modified. Otherwise, the Dockerfile will be created at registration time and the user will not be able to modify it. At any point, the user can switch modes by executing `latch dockerfile .` in the workflow directory. base_image_type_str: Base image to use for the workflow. Default value is "default". The following options are available: * "default": with no additional dependencies * "cuda": with Nvidia CUDA/cuDNN (cuda 11.4.2, cudnn 8) drivers * "opencl": with OpenCL (ubuntu 18.04) drivers * "docker": with the Docker daemon Example: >>> init("test-workflow", "empty", False) # The resulting file structure will look like # test-workflow # ├── version # └── wf # ├── # └── """ pkg_root = Path(pkg_name).resolve() pkg_name = append_ctx_to_error: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: ( f"{x}. Current directory name: {pkg_root}" if pkg_root == Path.cwd() else f"{x}. Supplied name: {pkg_root}" ) # Workflow name must not contain capitals or start or end in a hyphen or underscore. If it does, we should throw an error. if any(char.isupper() for char in pkg_name): raise ValueError( append_ctx_to_error( f"package name must not contain any upper-case characters: {pkg_name}" ), ) if"^[a-z]", pkg_name) is None: raise ValueError( append_ctx_to_error( f"package name must start with a lower-case letter: {pkg_name}" ), ) if"[a-z]$", pkg_name) is None: raise ValueError( append_ctx_to_error( f"package name must end with a lower-case letter: {pkg_name}" ), ) for char in pkg_name: if not char.isalnum and char not in ["-", "_"]: raise ValueError( append_ctx_to_error( "package name must only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens," f" and underscores: found `{char}`." ), ) if template is None: template_func = select_tui( title="Select Workflow Template", options=[ {"display_name": name, "value": fn} for name, fn in option_map.items() ], ) else: template_func = option_map[template_flag_to_option[template]] if template_func is None: return False try: pkg_root.mkdir(parents=True) except FileExistsError: if not pkg_root.is_dir(): raise ValueError( f"Cannot create directory `{pkg_name}`. A file with that name already" " exists." ) if not click.confirm( f"Warning -- existing files in directory `{pkg_name}` may be overwritten by" " boilerplate. Continue?" ): return False base_image_type = BaseImageOptions[base_image_type_str] if template_func == "Empty workflow": base_image_type = select_tui( title="Select the base docker image to use for the workflow", options=[ {"display_name": name, "value": value} for name, value in base_docker_image_options.items() ], ) if base_image_type is None: return False template_func(pkg_root) create_and_write_config(pkg_root, base_image_type) if expose_dockerfile: generate_dockerfile(pkg_root, pkg_root / "Dockerfile") return True