Source code for

import os
import sys
import termios
import textwrap
import tty
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from latch_sdk_config.latch import config

import latch_cli.menus as menus
from latch.utils import account_id_from_token, current_workspace, retrieve_or_login
from latch_cli.tinyrequests import post

[docs]def get_executions(): """Open an interactive terminal user interface that shows all executions for a particular user on Latch. This function in many ways mimics the interface at but in a terminal. You may scroll around using either the arrow keys (or [HJKL] if you like Vim) and you can hit [ENTER] to see more information about the selected execution. You can see logs, and abort a running execution. This function should only be called from the CLI, as doing so in any other setting will likely cause the interface to behave in an unexpected way. """ token = retrieve_or_login() context = current_workspace() headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} resp = post( url=config.api.execution.list, headers=headers, json={"ws_account_id": context}, ) resp.raise_for_status() options = [] data: dict[str, dict] = resp.json() display_columns = [ "display_name", "workflow_tagged", "start_time", "status", ] for execution_data in sorted(data.values(), key=lambda x: -int(x["id"])): options.append( { **execution_data, "workflow_tagged": f'{execution_data["workflow_name"]}/{execution_data["workflow_version"]}', } ) _all_executions( title="All Executions", column_names=display_columns, options=options, )
def _all_executions( title: str, column_names: List[str], options: List[Dict[str, str]], ): if len(options) == 0: raise ValueError("No executions to show.") elif len(column_names) == 0: raise ValueError("No column names specified") term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() def render( curr_selected: int, hor_index: int, term_width: int, term_height: int, ) -> int: # DISCLAIMER : MOST OF THE MAGIC NUMBERS HERE WERE THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR menus.move_cursor((2, 2)) max_per_page = term_height - 5 vert_index = max(0, curr_selected - max_per_page // 2) lengths = {col: len(col) for col in column_names} for j in range(len(options)): values = options[j] for col in column_names: if values[col] is None: values[col] = "" lengths[col] = max(lengths[col], len(values[col])) if len(column_names) > 1: column_spacing = max( 2, (term_width - 7 - sum(lengths.values())) // (len(column_names) - 1), ) else: column_spacing = 2 max_row_len = sum(lengths.values()) + column_spacing * (len(column_names) - 1) menus._print(title) menus.line_down(2) for i in range(vert_index, vert_index + max_per_page): if i >= len(options): break values = options[i] row_str = "" for j, col in enumerate(column_names): item = values[col] if j == len(column_names) - 1: row_str = row_str + f"{item: <{lengths[col]}}" else: row_str = row_str + f"{item: <{lengths[col] + column_spacing}}" row_str = row_str[hor_index : hor_index + term_width - 6] if i == curr_selected: green = "\x1b[38;5;40m" bold = "\x1b[1m" reset = "\x1b[0m" row_str = f"{green}{bold}{row_str}{reset}" menus.move_cursor_right(3) menus._print(row_str) menus.line_down(1) menus.move_cursor((2, term_height - 1)) control_str = "[ARROW-KEYS] Navigate\t[ENTER] Select\t[Q] Quit" menus._print(control_str) menus.draw_box((2, 3), term_height - 5, term_width - 4) menus._show() return max_row_len old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno()) tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) curr_selected = hor_index = 0 menus.remove_cursor() menus.clear_screen() menus.move_cursor((0, 0)) prev = (curr_selected, hor_index, term_width, term_height) max_row_len = render(curr_selected, hor_index, term_width, term_height) try: while True: b = menus.read_bytes(1) term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() rerender = False if b == b"\r": selected_execution_data = options[curr_selected] resp = post( config.api.workflow.graph, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {retrieve_or_login()}"}, json={ "workflow_id": selected_execution_data["workflow_id"], "execution_id": selected_execution_data["id"], }, ) _execution_dashboard(selected_execution_data, resp.json()) rerender = True elif b == b"\x1b": b = menus.read_bytes(2) if b == b"[A": # Up Arrow curr_selected = max(0, curr_selected - 1) elif b == b"[B": # Down Arrow curr_selected = min(len(options) - 1, curr_selected + 1) elif b == b"[D": # Left Arrow if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 5) elif b == b"[C": # Right Arrow if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = min(max_row_len - term_width + 7, hor_index + 5) elif b == b"[1": # Start of SHIFT + arrow keys b = menus.read_bytes(3) if b == b";2A": # Up Arrow curr_selected = max(0, curr_selected - 20) elif b == b";2B": # Down Arrow curr_selected = min(len(options) - 1, curr_selected + 20) elif b == b";2D": # Left Arrow if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 25) elif b == b";2C": # Right Arrow if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = min( max_row_len - term_width + 7, hor_index + 25 ) elif b == b"k": curr_selected = max(curr_selected - 1, 0) elif b == b"j": curr_selected = min(curr_selected + 1, len(options) - 1) elif b == b"J": curr_selected = min(curr_selected + 20, len(options) - 1) elif b == b"K": curr_selected = max(curr_selected - 20, 0) elif b == b"h": if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 5) elif b == b"l": if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = min(max_row_len - term_width + 7, hor_index + 5) elif b == b"H": if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 25) elif b == b"L": if max_row_len > term_width + 7: hor_index = min(max_row_len - term_width + 7, hor_index + 25) if rerender or ( (curr_selected, hor_index, term_width, term_height) != prev ): prev = (curr_selected, hor_index, term_width, term_height) menus.clear_screen() max_row_len = render(curr_selected, hor_index, term_width, term_height) except KeyboardInterrupt: ... finally: menus.clear_screen() menus.reveal_cursor() menus.move_cursor((0, 0)) menus._show() termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSANOW, old_settings) def _execution_dashboard(execution_data: Dict[str, str], workflow_graph: Dict): fixed_workflow_graph = list(workflow_graph.items()) def render(curr_selected: int, term_width: int, term_height: int): # DISCLAIMER : MOST OF THE MAGIC NUMBERS HERE WERE THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR menus.move_cursor((2, 2)) menus._print( f'{execution_data["display_name"]} - {execution_data["workflow_tagged"]}' ) menus.draw_box((2, 3), term_height - 5, term_width - 4) menus.move_cursor((2, term_height - 1)) instructions = [ "[ARROW-KEYS] Navigate", "[ENTER] View Task Logs", # "[R] Relaunch", ] if execution_data["status"] == "RUNNING": instructions.append("[A] Abort") instructions.append("[Q] Back to All Executions") menus._print("\t".join(instructions)) menus.move_cursor((4, 4)) for i, (_, task) in enumerate(fixed_workflow_graph): name, status = task["name"] or task["sub_wf_name"], task["status"] row_str = " ".join([name, status]) if i == curr_selected: green = "\x1b[38;5;40m" bold = "\x1b[1m" reset = "\x1b[0m" menus._print(f"{green}{bold}{row_str}{reset}") else: menus._print(row_str) menus.line_down(1) menus.move_cursor_right(3) menus._show() menus.clear_screen() try: term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() curr_selected = 0 render(curr_selected, term_width, term_height) prev = (curr_selected, term_width, term_height) while True: b = menus.read_bytes(1) rerender = False if b == b"\r": _log_window(execution_data, fixed_workflow_graph, curr_selected) rerender = True # elif b in (b"r", b"R"): # relaunch_modal(execution_data) # rerender = True elif b in (b"a", b"A"): _abort_modal(execution_data) rerender = True elif b == b"\x1b": b = menus.read_bytes(2) if b == b"[A": # Up Arrow curr_selected = max(curr_selected - 1, 0) elif b == b"[B": # Down Arrow curr_selected = min(curr_selected + 1, len(workflow_graph) - 1) elif b == b"[1": # Start of SHIFT + arrow keys b = menus.read_bytes(3) if b == b";2A": # Up Arrow curr_selected = max(0, curr_selected - 20) elif b == b";2B": # Down Arrow curr_selected += min( curr_selected + 20, len(workflow_graph) - 1 ) elif b == b"j": curr_selected = min(curr_selected + 1, len(workflow_graph) - 1) elif b == b"k": curr_selected = max(curr_selected - 1, 0) elif b == b"J": curr_selected = min(curr_selected + 20, len(workflow_graph) - 1) elif b == b"K": curr_selected = max(curr_selected - 20, 0) term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() if rerender or (prev != (curr_selected, term_width, term_height)): menus.clear_screen() prev = (curr_selected, term_width, term_height) render(curr_selected, term_width, term_height) except KeyboardInterrupt: ... finally: menus.clear_screen() menus.move_cursor((0, 0)) menus._show() def _loading_screen(text: str): # DISCLAIMER : MOST OF THE MAGIC NUMBERS HERE WERE THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() menus.clear_screen() menus.draw_box((2, 3), term_height - 5, term_width - 4) x = (term_width - len(text)) // 2 y = term_height // 2 menus.move_cursor((x, y)) menus._print(text) menus._show() def _log_window(execution_data, fixed_workflow_graph: list, selected: int): # DISCLAIMER : MOST OF THE MAGIC NUMBERS HERE WERE THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR _loading_screen("Loading logs...") _, selected_task = fixed_workflow_graph[selected] log_file = Path(".latch_execution_log").resolve() log_file.touch(exist_ok=True) ws_id = current_workspace() if ws_id is None or ws_id == "": ws_id = account_id_from_token(retrieve_or_login()) def get_logs(): resp = post( config.api.execution.logs, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {retrieve_or_login()}"}, json={ "exec_id": execution_data["id"], "node_id": selected_task["node_id"], "account_id": ws_id, }, ) resp.raise_for_status() with open(log_file, "w") as f: f.write(resp.json()["message"].replace("\t", " ")) def render(vert_index, hor_index, term_width, term_height): menus.move_cursor((2, 2)) menus._print( f'{execution_data["display_name"]} - {execution_data["workflow_tagged"]} -' f' {selected_task["name"]}' ) menus.draw_box((2, 3), term_height - 5, term_width - 4) menus.move_cursor((4, 4)) with open(log_file, "r") as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if i < vert_index: continue elif i > vert_index + term_height - 7: continue line = line.strip("\n\r") menus._print(line[hor_index : hor_index + term_width - 7]) menus.line_down(1) menus.move_cursor_right(3) menus.move_cursor((2, term_height - 1)) control_str = "[ARROW-KEYS] Navigate\t[Q] Back" menus._print(control_str) menus._show() try: term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() menus.clear_screen() get_logs() log_sched = BackgroundScheduler() log_sched.add_job( get_logs, "interval", seconds=15, ) log_sched.start() vert_index = hor_index = 0 render(vert_index, hor_index, term_width, term_height) prev_term_dims = (vert_index, hor_index, term_width, term_height) while True: b = menus.read_bytes(1) rerender = False if b in (b"r", b"R"): rerender = True elif b == b"\x1b": b = menus.read_bytes(2) if b == b"[A": # Up Arrow vert_index = max(0, vert_index - 1) elif b == b"[B": # Down Arrow vert_index += 1 elif b == b"[D": # Left Arrow hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 5) elif b == b"[C": # Right Arrow hor_index += 5 elif b == b"[1": # Start of SHIFT + arrow keys b = menus.read_bytes(3) if b == b";2A": # Up Arrow vert_index = max(0, vert_index - 20) elif b == b";2B": # Down Arrow vert_index += 20 elif b == b";2D": # Left Arrow hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 25) elif b == b";2C": # Right Arrow hor_index += 25 elif b == b"k": vert_index = max(0, vert_index - 1) elif b == b"j": vert_index += 1 elif b == b"h": hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 5) elif b == b"l": hor_index += 5 elif b == b"K": vert_index = max(0, vert_index - 20) elif b == b"J": vert_index += 20 elif b == b"H": hor_index = max(0, hor_index - 25) elif b == b"L": hor_index += 25 term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() if rerender or ( prev_term_dims != (vert_index, hor_index, term_width, term_height) ): menus.clear_screen() prev_term_dims = (vert_index, hor_index, term_width, term_height) render(vert_index, hor_index, term_width, term_height) except KeyboardInterrupt: ... finally: log_sched.shutdown() log_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) menus.clear_screen() menus.move_cursor((0, 0)) menus._show() # TODO(ayush): implement this def _relaunch_modal(execution_data): return def _abort_modal(execution_data): def render(term_width: int, term_height: int): # DISCLAIMER : MOST OF THE MAGIC NUMBERS HERE WERE THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR menus.clear_screen() question = ( f"Are you sure you want to abort {execution_data['display_name']} " f"({execution_data['workflow_name']}/{execution_data['workflow_version']})?" ) lines = textwrap.wrap(question, width=term_width - 6) max_line_length = max(map(len, lines)) x = (term_width - max_line_length) // 2 y = (term_height - len(lines)) // 2 menus.draw_box((x - 3, y - 2), len(lines) + 4, max_line_length + 4) for i, line in enumerate(lines): x = (term_width - len(line)) // 2 menus.move_cursor((x, y + i)) menus._print(f"{line}") ctrl_str = "[Y] Yes\t[N] No" menus.move_cursor(((term_width - len(ctrl_str)) // 2, y + len(lines) + 1)) menus._print(ctrl_str) try: term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() render(term_width, term_height) prev_term_dims = (term_width, term_height) while True: b = menus.read_bytes(1) if b in (b"y", b"Y"): headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {retrieve_or_login()}"} resp = post( url=config.api.execution.abort, headers=headers, json={"execution_id": execution_data["id"]}, ) return elif b in (b"n", b"N"): return term_width, term_height = os.get_terminal_size() if prev_term_dims != (term_width, term_height): prev_term_dims = (term_width, term_height) render(term_width, term_height) except KeyboardInterrupt: ... finally: menus.clear_screen() menus.move_cursor((0, 0))